Download Baldin Bada – Lurralde Kolpatuak (1991) Vinyl Album LP Megaupload

Information about this music album download:

Band Name: Baldin Bada

Music Album: Lurralde Kolpatuak

Album Release Date:

Music Genre: Punk Rock Reggae Ska

Record Label: Oihuka

Album Release Country: Spain

Music Record Type: 13 Tracks Vinyl Album LP

The group was founded in the mid 80's in Irún (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain) when the Basque Radical Rock movement was in full swing.
In their trajectory they showed an interesting musical development and capacity for evolution from their first two recordings, with successful Punk and Ska melodies, masterfully going through Reggae songs on their album "Lapped Territory" and following their solid career showing their dark Metal / Rock .
His songs reflect the commitment to social movements, addressing issues such as political struggle, arrests, unemployment, demands for an egalitarian society, violence or the Third World. Songs always performed in Basque language.
The band left four albums and dissolved in 1996.

13 Tracks
A1 Aldarrikatu Behar
A2 Arrankamoinetako Diana
A3 Xoxo Beltz Bat
A4 Txapelgorri
A5 Afrikatik Oihartzunak
B1 Ahoa Bete Lerde
B2 Xirrika
B3 Gaur Ere Komisaldegian
B4 Gosearen Seme
B5 Beti Bilatzen
B6 Ez Dugu Etsiko
B7 Odol Usaina Eskuetan
B8 Hutsaren Truke

LP comes with a 8-page insert with lyrics translated into Spanish, Catalonian, Bable (Asturian language), Galician language, English, and French.

Catalog number printed on back cover is "O-215".

Catalog number printed on vinyl labels is "O-215 LP".

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