Band Name: Los Fabulosos Cadillacs
Music Album: Yo Te Avisé!!
Album Release Date: February 1987
Music Genre: Rock Latin Ska
Record Label: CBS
Album Release Country: Argentina
Music Record Type: 10 Tracks Cassette Album
Argentinian rock & ska band founded in Buenos Aires in 1983 by Gabriel Fernández ('Vicentico', vocals), Mario Siperman ('Spiker', keyboards), Aníbal Rigozzi (guitar), Flavio Cianciarulo (bass, vocals) and Fernando Ricciardi (drums).

10 Tracks
A1 | El Genio Del Dub | 5:21 |
A2 | Botellas Rotas | 2:35 |
A3 | Mi Novia Se Cayó En Un Pozo Ciego | 3:52 |
A4 | Una Ciudad Llamada Vacío | 4:07 |
A5 | Cadillacs | 2:01 |
B1 | Yo No Me Sentaría En Tu Mesa | 2:58 |
B2 | Yo Te Avisé | 3:07 |
B3 | Muy, Muy Temprano | 5:50 |
B4 | Estoy Harto De Verte Con Otros | 4:50 |
B5 | Aún Los Escuchamos Cantar | 4:37 |
First catalog number from front cover and cassette, second one from spine.
(P) 1987 Discos CBS SAICF
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